Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Pregnancy

AFA: Speech Raoul Weexsteen, Secretary General of the AFA AFA


Lyon November 22, 2010


Dear Senator Mayor of Lyon, Mr. Vice President
Grand Lyon
Madam President of the Association Rhône-Alpes France Algeria
and Vice President of the Association France Algeria.

Dear Zohra Perret. Dear Friends,

First a big thanks from the Association France Algeria Lyonnaises Authorities who have supported and welcomed the meeting.

But it is thanks to Zohra we're together tonight, thanks to his tenacity and his belief and I thank him warmly

As a friend, I am aware for years with its commitment, and as General Secretary of the Association France Algeria, I am the witness, as she says herself, her fierce desire "to promote reconciliation between the French and Algerians and develop greater understanding between French and Algerians in France as in Algeria."

While it appears that since 1963 as an object of the Association France Algeria, Article 2 of its Statute, when it was created at the initiative of General De Gaulle, at least in Time as difficult and confusing today.

But we must say again and again and again that it remains our goal. I might even say our motto and that is men and women, French and Algerians, to continue to embody it, to defend and I thank them.
is what binds all those who come to France in Algeria, where they come from, and Zohra Perret President of France Algeria Rhone Alps is one of the exemplary figures.

means (or rehearing is), now in France as in Algeria, too simplistic speeches, little known to the origins, reasons to suspect, on the "relations" between France and Algeria. All involve the impossibility of Understanding, mutual understanding and highlight anything that would be inconsistent of us. Worse still, some speculate about the possible benefits would have a break between our two countries and expressed the temptation.

These speeches are dangerous and irresponsible. They do not withstand the examination of complex cultural and sociological realities and yet lived, when we look at the quality, depth of relationships, almost intimacy between the two civil societies, French and Algerian.

When it comes to relations between the French and Algerians, there obviously no prescription best to the worst, but there is not for the better. What one might call "culture of resentment" is not ours because it is not concerned with the welfare of the people or their future.

As Jean Pierre Chevenement said in a conference that he appreciated recently held in Algiers, "the future of relations between Algerians and French will be longer than their past."

can indeed make the observation that, over long already, nearly 50 years after Independence, "the normality of relations ", as we clearly implied by the two civil societies, French and Algerian, is actually" the sustainability of the exception. "

Association France Algeria is a privileged defending this principle, and an event like today, supported by the authorities of the city of Lyon, whom I thank again, leading by example and illustrated .

The theme was chosen: "shared heritage" Seeing and Understanding "is brave, very mature and I also know that your work has been rich and promising.

What does the dictionary?

For word: Heritage: found:
"Well, Common Heritage of a community or human group."
is a clear definition, which does not pose the question of the origin of Good or conditions of the Legacy. And everyone knows that often happens in families that inheritances are bulky.

For word: Sharing: there are 2 meanings:
- The 1st "divided into parts or portions, hence the expression: each his share."
- 2nd: "To have something in common with someone or other .
is the choice between these two definitions that will, in the example policy before us, the "tensions" (as they say in polite Chancelleries) or otherwise, "the Agreement".

Here in Lyon, you chose the second interpretation and we can all be proud, even if we do only confirm much of the pragmatic attitude of our two companies, who live and take these realities for years .

You dare face two fundamental issues: the acceptance of the Inheritance despite its sluggishness, and the more difficult still: what's Fund once it has been recognized to have a heritage in common?

is a great site. He asks so many questions and requires such challenged political, sociological, legal, cultural, economic, or simply human, as each of the 2 Rives, our "authorities" seem sometimes HESITATE. Yet it is a

Shipyard MISSED. There are more risks in not proceeding at the start. I do not mention them here because you know them all.
Without doubt, this is a difficult process and the need for reciprocity reflections and initiate decisions will certainly be the most difficult step. But we know that most of the French and Algerian companies are ripe for this term and this development. We have to show the attitude of the youth of both countries, more comfortable with the taboos of yesteryear than ourselves. The activity of our group of "Young France Algeria" attests.
While it will take time. Let both patients, stubborn and persuasive. But we must now begin work to review our relationship and re-understanding of each other each area.

In the period ahead, new challenges for the French and Algerians, are worth it.

Thank you.

Secretary General Raoul



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